Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Secular Winter Holiday 2009!

I hope you are all snuggled up this evening, drunk on the merriment of exchanging gifts, good food and being with family. We decorated yet another tree and I think this one is really spectacular. Of course, I think that every year, but you can compare several previous trees from posts of Christmas Past and see if you agree.

We always like to think about what it would have looked like a hundred years ago by turning out the lights. This was particularly beautiful this year, I thought.

My blog also turns six years old today! I feel as if I've neglected it this year, but I assure you that I have been eating regularly and haven't wasted away. I won't make any promises about how much I'll write in the next year, but I'll do my best to continue to share some of my experiences at some of the new (or new to me) restaurants in the area, at least sometime before they go out of business.

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