Sunday, March 01, 2009

Valentine Chocolate

Now that we've all had a chance to heal after Valentine's Day, I think it's time to reflect back on what was good about that week. Ok, ok, I realize that not all of you despise the holiday. Actually, my February 14th wasn't so bad either, because I chose that day to go pick out my new iPhone. My V-Day, was, in fact, awesome.

In any case, earlier that week I got a box of chocolates from Google Earth Evangelist's sister, SOGEE (Thank you!). It wasn't actually a Valentine gift, but it was definitely a nice gift. I've written about B.T. McElrath chocolates before and they are still truly wonderful.

This dark chocolate lemon cream was no exception. The passionfruit ones are still my favorite, though, and I intend to order several boxes of them someday.

I did get a Valentine gift from my Most Faithful Reader. Dark chocolate covered orange peel, particularly Leonidas, is my favorite candy and if I'm not careful, I can get carried away with eating it.

This may not seem shocking to many readers, but I'm the sort of person who can eat just one small piece of candy a day even if I'm sitting next to a entire bucket of it, as is the case at work. I don't generally eat snacks. I just don't even think of it. This may be related to its rarely occuring to me to take an analgesic when I have a headache. I'm hungry. You mean I can do something about that?

Dark chocolate covered orange peel, however, isn't too strong, too sweet or too rich. It's just right.

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